5 consejos para que su perro deje de tirar de la correa

Nadie quiere que su divertido paseo con su amada mascota se convierta en una batalla de tira y afloja, tú querrás apresurarte e ir a donde quieras. Si estás muy feliz de correr de un árbol a otro mientras tu perro huele cuál de sus amigos ha estado allí antes que él, no te molestes en seguir leyendo. Sin embargo, si deseas tomar el control de las caminatas y disfrutar de un agradable paseo con tu familiar canino, aquí hay 5 sencillos consejos sobre cómo evitar que tu perro tire de la correa.

1. La preparación es clave

Si quieres dejar de tirar de la correa, no te limites a ponerse la correa y empezar … Tómate de 10 a 15 minutos (o más) de «tiempo de espera» para calentar a tu perro, paseándolo por la casa con su correa / collar están más concentrados en su trabajo que en estar ansiosos por la caminata una vez que estás en la puerta después de que termine este período de calentamiento. También es útil que tu perro use su correa en momentos aleatorios que no sean antes de la caminata para que pueda reducir las fuertes asociaciones que puedan tener con que siempre sea un precursor de las caminatas.

2. Estructura tus paseos

Enseñarle a tu perro a obedecer una orden de caminar fuerte del tipo Heel o Let’s Go reducirá la sobre proyección y la ansiedad asociadas con tirar de la correa en los perros. Al hacer que tu perro se comprometa con un espacio claramente definido junto a ti, le das a tu perro un trabajo que hacer y promueve la concentración en tu dirección en lugar de pensar constantemente en el futuro. Además, caminar de esta manera simula cómo los perros (y muchas otras especies de animales) se alinean con una manada. En lugar de la anticipación exagerada e independiente que lleva a un perro a pensar muchos pasos por delante de donde  estás  tú. Lo que crea la causa de distracciones y reacciones en los paseos.

3. Estructura los entornos domésticos de tu perro

Como adiestrador de perros profesional en Costa Rica, la mayoría de los perros de mis clientes no solo sufren de tirones de correa como un problema aislado. Debido a que he estado en las casas de literalmente miles de dueños de perros con perritos problemáticos, he tenido la oportunidad de observar cómo la mayoría de los perros que tienen comportamientos no deseados, como tirar de la correa, también son muy ansiosos e hipersensibles en sus hogares domésticos. Ejemplos de esto son «rastrear» los movimientos de sus dueños demasiado cerca / impulsivamente (siguiéndote a todas partes sin parar), ser estimulado fácilmente o ser agresivo al tener que «pedir» recursos como comida, tiempo para ir al baño y atención.

Al darles a los perros de esta naturaleza más estructura y entrenamiento en casa cuando pueden ser demasiado reactivos a lo que sucede a su alrededor, comunica que podemos hacer un seguimiento de ellos y darles cosas que hacer mientras llevamos a cabo nuestros propios asuntos humanos en su presencia. Al implementar el adiestramiento de tu perro cuando realmente está viviendo y no como algo programado.

4. Socialización

Muchos perros tienen dificultades para caminar porque no están lo suficientemente socializados y se estimulan demasiado y reaccionan demasiado a cosas con las que no están familiarizados. Al hacer que tu perro salga al mundo para experimentar con muchas personas, perros y diferentes entornos como sea posible con una asociación tranquila de escuchar versus reaccionar, aprenderá cómo ser más neutral con lo que puede encontrar en sus paseos.

5. Revise su equipo

Desafortunadamente, algunos equipos de adiestramiento de perros pueden ser contraproducentes para enseñar a tu perro a  dejar de tirar de la correa.. Los arneses tradicionales o incluso un collar de perro que se usa demasiado bajo en el cuello de un perro pueden desencadenar un reflejo de tracción (oposición) que crea la sensación de que un perro quiere tirar contra esta presión y la energía se dispersa demasiado bajo y ampliamente a través de sus cuerpos. ¡Así funcionan los perros de trineo! Algunos equipos de adiestramiento de perros, como los arneses antideslizantes y los dispositivos suaves para detener la correa / cabeza, funcionan un poco mejor para evitar que la correa se tire físicamente, pero no abordan la proyección excesiva del pensamiento de un perro como la causa de por qué tienen problemas para tirar.

En esencia, es poner una curita sobre el problema (la mayoría de los entrenamientos de perros demasiado positivos tienden a hacer esto) y un perro nunca aprende a caminar orgánicamente como lo dictan sus instintos naturales. ¡Todos los perros tienen esta habilidad!

En cambio, un collar que se coloca detrás de las orejas de un perro (similar a cómo se pasea a los perros de exhibición y el collar de susurradores de perros) proporciona el tipo correcto de presión para ayudar a atraer la atención hacia adentro y reorganizar su sistema sensorial para evitar que se proyecten demasiado. Básicamente, es como enseñarle a tu perro a meditar en lugar de que se visualice a sí mismo en la mitad del vecindario antes de que comience la caminata.

Recuerda, no estamos tratando de ahogar o corregir a nuestros perros (la razón principal por la que los dueños / entrenadores de perros evitan usar un collar de «entrenamiento» en primer lugar) nuestro objetivo es proyectar nuestra energía o chi enviando una ligera presión en los bolsillos detrás de las orejas. Como harían otros perros con la boca para mantener su estructura mientras fluyen juntos como una manada.

Al aprender a conectarse con tu perro de forma natural como estilo de vida y en su entrenamiento, comenzarás a ver resultados y el aprenderá a dejar de tirar de la correa desde el primer día, si necesitas ayuda puedes contactarme con gusto te ayudaré.


  • Extended Opportunity
    Posted 5 de febrero de 2024 00:23 0Likes

    Hey Guys,

    Warning: From February 2024, all existing email autoresponders will become obsolete!

    In fact, if you want to send marketing emails, promotional emails, or any other sort of emails starting in February 2024, you’ll need to comply with Gmail’s and Yahoo’s draconic new directives.

    They require regular marketers like you and I to setup complex code on sending domains… and existing autoresponders like Aweber and GetResponse are not helping: they’re requesting you do all the work, and their training is filled with complex instructions and flowcharts…

    How would you like to send unlimited emails at the push of a button all with done-for-you DMARC, DKIM, SPF, custom IPs and dedicated SMTP sending servers?

    What I mean by all of that tech talk above, is that with ProfitMarc, we give you pre-set, pre-configured, DONE-FOR-YOU email sending addresses you can just load up and mail straight away.

    We don’t even have any “setup tutorials” like other autoresponders either, because guess what: we already did all the setup for you!

    All of our built-in sending addresses and servers are already pre-warmed with Gmail and Yahoo and they’re loving us: 99% inbox rate is the average!

    ⇒ Grab your copy here! ⇒ https://ext-opp.com/ProfitMarc

  • Extended Opportunity
    Posted 5 de febrero de 2024 00:24 0Likes

    Hey Guys,

    Warning: From February 2024, all existing email autoresponders will become obsolete!

    In fact, if you want to send marketing emails, promotional emails, or any other sort of emails starting in February 2024, you’ll need to comply with Gmail’s and Yahoo’s draconic new directives.

    They require regular marketers like you and I to setup complex code on sending domains… and existing autoresponders like Aweber and GetResponse are not helping: they’re requesting you do all the work, and their training is filled with complex instructions and flowcharts…

    How would you like to send unlimited emails at the push of a button all with done-for-you DMARC, DKIM, SPF, custom IPs and dedicated SMTP sending servers?

    What I mean by all of that tech talk above, is that with ProfitMarc, we give you pre-set, pre-configured, DONE-FOR-YOU email sending addresses you can just load up and mail straight away.

    We don’t even have any “setup tutorials” like other autoresponders either, because guess what: we already did all the setup for you!

    All of our built-in sending addresses and servers are already pre-warmed with Gmail and Yahoo and they’re loving us: 99% inbox rate is the average!

    ⇒ Grab your copy here! ⇒ https://ext-opp.com/ProfitMarc

  • Extended Opportunity
    Posted 5 de febrero de 2024 00:24 0Likes

    Hey Guys,

    Warning: From February 2024, all existing email autoresponders will become obsolete!

    In fact, if you want to send marketing emails, promotional emails, or any other sort of emails starting in February 2024, you’ll need to comply with Gmail’s and Yahoo’s draconic new directives.

    They require regular marketers like you and I to setup complex code on sending domains… and existing autoresponders like Aweber and GetResponse are not helping: they’re requesting you do all the work, and their training is filled with complex instructions and flowcharts…

    How would you like to send unlimited emails at the push of a button all with done-for-you DMARC, DKIM, SPF, custom IPs and dedicated SMTP sending servers?

    What I mean by all of that tech talk above, is that with ProfitMarc, we give you pre-set, pre-configured, DONE-FOR-YOU email sending addresses you can just load up and mail straight away.

    We don’t even have any “setup tutorials” like other autoresponders either, because guess what: we already did all the setup for you!

    All of our built-in sending addresses and servers are already pre-warmed with Gmail and Yahoo and they’re loving us: 99% inbox rate is the average!

    ⇒ Grab your copy here! ⇒ https://ext-opp.com/ProfitMarc

  • Extended Opportunity
    Posted 5 de febrero de 2024 00:25 0Likes

    Hey Guys,

    Warning: From February 2024, all existing email autoresponders will become obsolete!

    In fact, if you want to send marketing emails, promotional emails, or any other sort of emails starting in February 2024, you’ll need to comply with Gmail’s and Yahoo’s draconic new directives.

    They require regular marketers like you and I to setup complex code on sending domains… and existing autoresponders like Aweber and GetResponse are not helping: they’re requesting you do all the work, and their training is filled with complex instructions and flowcharts…

    How would you like to send unlimited emails at the push of a button all with done-for-you DMARC, DKIM, SPF, custom IPs and dedicated SMTP sending servers?

    What I mean by all of that tech talk above, is that with ProfitMarc, we give you pre-set, pre-configured, DONE-FOR-YOU email sending addresses you can just load up and mail straight away.

    We don’t even have any “setup tutorials” like other autoresponders either, because guess what: we already did all the setup for you!

    All of our built-in sending addresses and servers are already pre-warmed with Gmail and Yahoo and they’re loving us: 99% inbox rate is the average!

    ⇒ Grab your copy here! ⇒ https://ext-opp.com/ProfitMarc

  • Extended Opportunity
    Posted 5 de febrero de 2024 00:25 0Likes

    Hey Guys,

    Warning: From February 2024, all existing email autoresponders will become obsolete!

    In fact, if you want to send marketing emails, promotional emails, or any other sort of emails starting in February 2024, you’ll need to comply with Gmail’s and Yahoo’s draconic new directives.

    They require regular marketers like you and I to setup complex code on sending domains… and existing autoresponders like Aweber and GetResponse are not helping: they’re requesting you do all the work, and their training is filled with complex instructions and flowcharts…

    How would you like to send unlimited emails at the push of a button all with done-for-you DMARC, DKIM, SPF, custom IPs and dedicated SMTP sending servers?

    What I mean by all of that tech talk above, is that with ProfitMarc, we give you pre-set, pre-configured, DONE-FOR-YOU email sending addresses you can just load up and mail straight away.

    We don’t even have any “setup tutorials” like other autoresponders either, because guess what: we already did all the setup for you!

    All of our built-in sending addresses and servers are already pre-warmed with Gmail and Yahoo and they’re loving us: 99% inbox rate is the average!

    ⇒ Grab your copy here! ⇒ https://ext-opp.com/ProfitMarc

  • Extended Opportunity
    Posted 5 de febrero de 2024 00:25 0Likes

    Hey Guys,

    Warning: From February 2024, all existing email autoresponders will become obsolete!

    In fact, if you want to send marketing emails, promotional emails, or any other sort of emails starting in February 2024, you’ll need to comply with Gmail’s and Yahoo’s draconic new directives.

    They require regular marketers like you and I to setup complex code on sending domains… and existing autoresponders like Aweber and GetResponse are not helping: they’re requesting you do all the work, and their training is filled with complex instructions and flowcharts…

    How would you like to send unlimited emails at the push of a button all with done-for-you DMARC, DKIM, SPF, custom IPs and dedicated SMTP sending servers?

    What I mean by all of that tech talk above, is that with ProfitMarc, we give you pre-set, pre-configured, DONE-FOR-YOU email sending addresses you can just load up and mail straight away.

    We don’t even have any “setup tutorials” like other autoresponders either, because guess what: we already did all the setup for you!

    All of our built-in sending addresses and servers are already pre-warmed with Gmail and Yahoo and they’re loving us: 99% inbox rate is the average!

    ⇒ Grab your copy here! ⇒ https://ext-opp.com/ProfitMarc

  • Extended Opportunity
    Posted 19 de febrero de 2024 21:44 0Likes


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  • Extended Opportunity
    Posted 19 de febrero de 2024 21:45 0Likes


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  • Extended Opportunity
    Posted 19 de febrero de 2024 21:46 0Likes


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    ⇒ Click Here To Checkout Demo https://ext-opp.com/GoBuildr

  • Extended Opportunity
    Posted 19 de febrero de 2024 21:46 0Likes


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    ⇒ Click Here To Checkout Demo https://ext-opp.com/GoBuildr

  • Extended Opportunity
    Posted 27 de febrero de 2024 23:03 0Likes

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  • Extended Opportunity
    Posted 2 de marzo de 2024 20:41 0Likes

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  • Extended Opportunity
    Posted 2 de marzo de 2024 20:41 0Likes

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  • Extended Opportunity
    Posted 9 de marzo de 2024 05:35 0Likes

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  • Extended Opportunity
    Posted 12 de marzo de 2024 17:53 0Likes

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  • Extended Opportunity
    Posted 16 de marzo de 2024 06:28 0Likes

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  • Extended Opportunity
    Posted 4 de abril de 2024 23:40 0Likes

    This Dude Creates Bitc0in Out Of Thin Air [CRAZY]

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    But don’t delay, because the price of Coinz will double very soon…


  • Extended Opportunity
    Posted 4 de abril de 2024 23:40 0Likes

    This Dude Creates Bitc0in Out Of Thin Air [CRAZY]

    I didn’t believe it either at first…

    Until i saw it works in action >> https://ext-opp.com/Coinz

    You see, Bitc0in and the entire Crypt0 market is about to go through the rough…

    Some smart people will get in now, and make massive gains,
    And some will stand and watch people make money…

    Ultimately, I want you to get in now…

    But here is the issue…

    If you put any kind of money in it now, it would be a huge risk.
    Especially if you put in money that you can’t afford to lose…

    But what my friend, Seyi, did is insane…

    He created the world’s first AI app that literally generates Bitc0in and ETH out of thin air…

    All you need to do is just connect your wallet, and that’s it…

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    To create your account with Coinz, and start receiving daily Bitc0in & etheruem for 100% free click here >> https://ext-opp.com/Coinz

    But don’t delay, because the price of Coinz will double very soon…


  • Extended Opportunity
    Posted 4 de abril de 2024 23:40 0Likes

    This Dude Creates Bitc0in Out Of Thin Air [CRAZY]

    I didn’t believe it either at first…

    Until i saw it works in action >> https://ext-opp.com/Coinz

    You see, Bitc0in and the entire Crypt0 market is about to go through the rough…

    Some smart people will get in now, and make massive gains,
    And some will stand and watch people make money…

    Ultimately, I want you to get in now…

    But here is the issue…

    If you put any kind of money in it now, it would be a huge risk.
    Especially if you put in money that you can’t afford to lose…

    But what my friend, Seyi, did is insane…

    He created the world’s first AI app that literally generates Bitc0in and ETH out of thin air…

    All you need to do is just connect your wallet, and that’s it…

    – You don’t need to analyze the market
    – You don’t need mining equipments
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    – And you don’t need to invest even a penny

    To create your account with Coinz, and start receiving daily Bitc0in & etheruem for 100% free click here >> https://ext-opp.com/Coinz

    But don’t delay, because the price of Coinz will double very soon…


  • Extended Opportunity
    Posted 4 de abril de 2024 23:41 0Likes

    This Dude Creates Bitc0in Out Of Thin Air [CRAZY]

    I didn’t believe it either at first…

    Until i saw it works in action >> https://ext-opp.com/Coinz

    You see, Bitc0in and the entire Crypt0 market is about to go through the rough…

    Some smart people will get in now, and make massive gains,
    And some will stand and watch people make money…

    Ultimately, I want you to get in now…

    But here is the issue…

    If you put any kind of money in it now, it would be a huge risk.
    Especially if you put in money that you can’t afford to lose…

    But what my friend, Seyi, did is insane…

    He created the world’s first AI app that literally generates Bitc0in and ETH out of thin air…

    All you need to do is just connect your wallet, and that’s it…

    – You don’t need to analyze the market
    – You don’t need mining equipments
    – You don’t need to trade
    – And you don’t need to invest even a penny

    To create your account with Coinz, and start receiving daily Bitc0in & etheruem for 100% free click here >> https://ext-opp.com/Coinz

    But don’t delay, because the price of Coinz will double very soon…


  • Extended Opportunity
    Posted 4 de abril de 2024 23:41 0Likes

    This Dude Creates Bitc0in Out Of Thin Air [CRAZY]

    I didn’t believe it either at first…

    Until i saw it works in action >> https://ext-opp.com/Coinz

    You see, Bitc0in and the entire Crypt0 market is about to go through the rough…

    Some smart people will get in now, and make massive gains,
    And some will stand and watch people make money…

    Ultimately, I want you to get in now…

    But here is the issue…

    If you put any kind of money in it now, it would be a huge risk.
    Especially if you put in money that you can’t afford to lose…

    But what my friend, Seyi, did is insane…

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